Additional Technical Detail (Subject to Review & Confirmation)
This is an additional technical breakdown of considerations that the project is considering, and/or may implement subject to confirmation.
This page will be subject to change
Technology Overview:
Vitality token is an advanced utility token with a series of utilities powering the E4L SmartWallet™ lifestyle application and Vitality desktop platform.
Token Technology Utilities:
1) Power the SmartWallet™ application acting as a GAS/FEE/CURRENCY/REWARD like mechanism.
2) Provide users with token incentives and rewards for various activities found within the application.
3) Provide users with token rewards in exchange for their lifestyle, fitness and health data.
4) Provide users with token rewards and yield in exchange for staking, pools and liquidity provisions.
5) Provide coaches with token rewards for services completed for users and other subscription members.
6) Tokens can be used to collect, hold, swap, stake, sell and buy via a product and NFT market place, inbuilt wallets and an inbuilt cryptocurrency exchange.
7) Stake Vitality token for a yield % and to access tokenised services.
8) Hold Vitality token for use within our ecosystem and other uses at the discretion of the user.
9) Sell, swap or trade Vitality tokens on an exchange.
10) Use tokens to buy products and services via our market place.
11) Tokens can also be used for peer to peer transactions via the inbuilt wallet and other third party integrations.
Daily Limits & Security Measures:
1) Daily reward targets, thresholds and limits on all tokenised aspects of the application and daily tasks.
2) Daily reward targets, thresholds and limits for exercise and workouts.
3) Daily reward targets, thresholds and limits on third party applications and other contributing applications.
Vitality token is an advanced utility token.
Use within application:
Users are required to subscribe to a service and hold, stake and use a certain amount of Vitality tokens during their membership to access and utilise our marketplace, products and services
Staking Rewards:
A portion of all Vitality token GAS revenue will be added into the reward pool, holders are rewarded for staking Vitality token and contributing to the ecosystem.
Crypto Wallet:
An inbuilt cryptocurrency wallet will support the Vitality token as well as series of other cryptos via third party applications and wallets.
Vitality Mining Key Features:
Vitality-Based Mining
Vitality miners use identified tokens for miner pool costs and activation. This unique aspect of mining is not only innovative however also aligns with the Vitality protocol's supply reduction strategy via burn mechanisms, staking pools, utility NFTs and investment strategies.Vitality Staking Rewards:
Vitality Staking Rewards:
Stakers in the Vitality ecosystem earn proportionate % of treasury tokens reaping the benefits of the protocol's diverse portfolio compared to others.
Vitality Treasury:
A percent of the mining fee is automatically directed to a smart contract, relative to the token chosen to start a miner, which in turn max stakes it within other identified protocol treasuries earning revenue to the treasury. This maximizes the returns for Vitality participants and contributes to the ecosystem's stability by contributing to various identified incentive-based staking mechanisms. Example: TitanX, HEX and others TBC.
Goal is to generate and create a diversified portfolio of tokens within the treasury.
Token Rewards
The tokens generated from the Treasury's rewards are allocated for paying Vitality stakers, buying and burning VTY, and investing into other protocols. This approach reduces reliance on miners as the primary contributors to the burn pool and Vitality staking rewards, thereby strengthening the economic frameworks.
Vitality Staking Rewards:
Vitality plays a pivotal role in advancing the ecosystem's key objectives, centered on diversified treasuries, incentivised mining, diminishing supply via burn mechanism, utility NFTS, and bolstering demand with economic energy. By incorporating various tokens into its mining mechanism, Vitality not only aligns with other projects and communities, it also reinforces Vitality Tokens strategic vision of innovative technology and disruption.
When you stake your VTY you receive shares at a rate of 432 VTY per share. You can earn additional shares with the following bonuses:
Duration Amplifier: Longer stakes earn more shares, up to +200% at day 888.
Burn Contributor Amplifier: Burn up to %20 of your stake amount in VITALITY to earn 20% more shares.
Your share percentage determines your payout portion. For example, owning 1% of all shares entitles you to 1% of all payouts to VTY stakers during your staking period.
Minimum and Maximum Staking Duration:
Minimum stake length: 28 days
Maximum stake length: 888 days
DAO approved protocol staking
Staking VTY is forever open to all users with no restrictions. To protect the staking pool from possible bad actors, we have implemented a restriction on all smart contracts preventing them from staking VTY. If another protocol wants to stake VTY, then they must be whitelisted by the DAO. After the DAO has voted to approve a protocol, it will get whitelisted, and can then start staking their VTY.
Stake VTY with confidence knowing you, as a VTY staker, have voting rights to protect your stake.
When you initiate a stake in Vitality, you select an end date for your stake. It's advisable to end your stake on the chosen date. If you are unable to end your stake on the exact date, a 7-day grace period is provided during which you can end your stake without incurring any penalties.
Please note that stakes in Vitality cannot be terminated before reaching 50% of their maturity period.
Penalty for Ending Stake After 50% Maturity
If you end your stake after it has reached 50% of its maturity but before the selected end date, you will incur a penalty.
50% of the VTY staked will be lost and sent to a dead address (effectively burned).
You will receive back 50% of the VTY you staked.
Penalty for Overstaying End Date
If your stake is not ended within 1 week (7 days) following your selected end date (the grace period), you will start incurring a penalty.
This penalty amounts to a loss of 1% of your staked VTY per day.
If the stake remains unclaimed for over 100 days past the end date, you will lose 99% of the staked VTY by the end of the stake.
These penalty mechanisms are designed to encourage timely management of stakes in the Helios protocol and ensure the stability and health of the ecosystem.
Start & End Values in the Vitality Protocol
The daily update will continue to adjust values until certain minimum and maximum limits are reached over a period of years:
💰Reward Pools
The following pages cover the Reward Pools
Cycle Reward Pool - Pays out to VTY Stakers
Treasury – Feeds VTY Buy & Burn and Cycle Reward Pool
Investment Pool - Feeds VTY Buy & Burn and Cycle Reward Pool
Payouts to VTY Stakers
As an VTY staker, you are rewarded with TITANX and ETH during each "payout cycle" based on your proportionate share in the total share pool.
Additional payouts to VTY stakers
After voted on by VTY hodlers, the Investment Pool will acquire other yield bearing tokens for the Vitality ecosystem. A portion of the yield from that will go to the Cycle Reward Pool as well.
User Incentive to call Pool Payout Distribution Function:
Users earn a 0.5% VITALITY incentive from the 'Distribute Various Tokens pool for triggering the smart contract function. This function distributes all Various Tokens to each share holder
Diversified Treasury Ledger
The Diversified Treasury Ledger is designed to enhance the token rewards made available to stakers whilst financing buy and burn mechanisms and incentivising mining participation. The diversified treasury will keep feeding rewards to stakers via organic growth, token appreciation and via other mechanisms such as % of revenue generated in other areas of the ecosystem.
Diversified Treasury Growth
The treasuries only purpose is max staking it on various protocols to earn rewards for the community. The percentage will gradually move up over time. The treasury will not sell the various tokens (controlled by Community DAO), and will always grow larger as more users adopt the Vitality Ecosystem.
App Subscriptions: A percentage of every new and monthly new app subscription and/or retail sale and/or revenue generated by the ecosystem applications, platforms and services, for example, will be redirected to the treasury and pools for distribution to the community. If paid in crypto that can be directly diverted to the treasury. If using fiat or USD that will be used to buy a preferred crypto and moved to the platform on an agreed regular basis.
Example: 1%-10% of new subscriptions
Example: 1%-10% of monthly revenue subscriptions
Example: % of in platform advertising revenue
Platform Fees: A percentage of fee revenue generated by the ecosystem applications, platforms and services, for example, will be redirected to the treasury and pools for distribution to the community. If paid in crypto that can be directly diverted to the treasury. If using fiat or USD that will be used to buy a preferred crypto and moved to the platform on an agreed regular basis.
Example: Trading fees
Example: Send & Receive GAS Fees
Example; Other TBC
LP Reward Pool: Identified provider wallets are rewarded with VTY, CHI and a % of the variety tokens provided in the overall reward pool.
Charitable Corner: Community members can donate tokens to the reward pools or donation wallets at any time to finance the protocol. Donation wallets will be named and labelled by section. Developers, DAO, Investment, Staking Rewards, Treasury and more.
Other: TBC
Limited Supply OTC Function
A direct stable coin OTC buy function that allows users to buy Vitality Tokens at the current market price up to $10,000 per day for a maximum $100,000 per wallet. The supply here will be predetermined and will be a limited supply for community members. This will be considered a sacrifice mechanism with no expectations of work. All funds will earn points which may be redeemable for tokens after 24 hours. All funds go to a No Expectations Genesis wallet which may direct funds at developers to enhance the protocol.
Treasury Rewards
The treasury earns various tokens, such as ETH and VTY, that will continue to payout forever regardless of the amount of interaction within the Vitality protocol. These rewards are split into 3 payout pools described below.
Various Tokens Distribution
70% goes to VTY buy and burn. This supports our precious miners by perpetually reducing the supply of VTY.
10% goes to Cycle Reward Pool. This expands our VTY stakers to earning Vitality and Various Tokens at the same time!
20% goes to Investment Pool. This will be used to acquire other yield bearing tokens for the ecosystem. The yield from that will be distributed to VTY stakers, and both buy and burn pools.
User Incentive to call Treasury Functions:
Max Stake Vitality: Users earn a 0.1% incentive from the 'Stake Various Tokens' pool for triggering the smart contract function. This function stakes all liquid Various Tokens on Identified protocol agreed by the DAO.
Claim and Distribute Various Token rewards: Users earn a 0.1% incentive (Example: max 0.1 ETH) from the 'claim various tokens' pool for triggering the smart contract function. This function claims all tokens earned on identified protocols from staking and sends it to the appropriate pools.
Investment Pool
Our investment pool aims to strengthen the Vitality ecosystems by diversifying treasury funds into various tokens within or out of the Vitality ecosystem, as decided by governance votes. This diversification strategy enhances stability and introduces new avenues for value creation.
Increased value attracts more stakers, who in turn stimulate demand for VTY. This heightened demand for VTY encourages more mining activity, which continuously feeds the treasury.
**This creates a sustainable and self-reinforcing cycle that perpetually drives the VITALITY ecosystems.
At launch, the pool will only accumulate various tokens in a multi-signature wallet. The wallet will be controlled by the founder, The Manifester 432, until governance votes on committee members to distribute keys to. After the committee is formed, investment strategies will be voted on by VTY holders. At that point, a new custom treasury smart contract will be created to interact with the chosen yield bearing token and funded with VTY and Various Tokens. Then those rewards are automatically sent to the Cycle Reward Pool, Buy/Burn VTY, and Buy/Burn Vitality. The principle balance of the Treasuries will only grow larger as various tokens such as ETH flow into them and never leaves.
Burning Vitality
In the Vitality ecosystem, users have the opportunity to burn their Vitality tokens for various benefits.
Key Rewards for Burning Vitality:
Cashback Reward: Users receive 4.32% of their burned VTY back as a reward.
Burn Bonus Amplifiers: Users receive additional VTY from mining and additional shares when staking on Vitality platform.
Burn Bonus Amplifier: Each burn increases the user's Burn Bonus Amplifier, enhancing the rewards for future miners they start on various platforms, up to a maximum of 8%.
Share in Burn Pool Payouts on Protocols: Users earn a percentage of the rolling payouts from the Burn Pool on identified platform, effectively receiving a substantial part of their burned value back in rewards.
Proof of Burn Record: Burning VITALITY attaches a proof of burn record to the user’s wallet. This record may qualify them for rewards from other protocols seeking to reward active members of the VITALITY community based on their burning history.
Burning VTY
Anyone that wants to implement burning VTY into their protocol can do so. You can earn up to 8.88% of burned VTY back as a reward. We wouldn't be here without VTY offering builder bonuses, and we will extend the same offer to build on our platform.
Burn Bonus Amplifier: Each burn increases the user's Burn Bonus Amplifier, enhancing the VTY rewards for future miners they start on the Vitality Protocol, up to a maximum of 8.88%. This bonus stays for the lifetime of the user.
Buy and Burn
The Buy & Burn contract is an integral part of the Vitality Ecosystem, as it will perpetually add buy pressure to the market and decrease the VTY supply. Various Tokens used to create virtual miners, Treasury rewards, and Investment Pool rewards are allocated to the Vitality Buy & Burn smart contract. This contract is accessible to any builder developing in the Vitality ecosystem. It is capable of receiving ETH, Various Tokens and Vitality tokens, and will buy VTY to burn them at a set rate. This approach simplifies the process as there's no need to develop a separate buy & burn smart contract
User Incentives to call Buy and Burn Function:
A 0.5% reward is given for calling the BuyAndBurn function. This function acquires Helios from the market using the Uniswap v3 VITALITY/ETH and ither similar pairs and then burns the purchased Vitality.
Key elements of the investment pool will be voted on by VTY hodlers.
This will include:
How often hodlers will vote on ETH and Various Token allocations. Weekly, monthly, quarterly, or when a set amount of ETH is accumulated in pool.
Which token allocations will go to. This includes adding to an existing treasury or creating an additional treasury with chosen token.
New treasury parameters: percent of yield flowing into each pool (Cycle Reward Pool, Buy/Burn VTY, and more.)
Treasury (per individual token):
1st Audit by :
2nd Audit by :
Vitality Token is a UTILITY TOKEN and not a share nor is it a security as it does not represent any legal ownership, part ownership, promise of value or any beneficial title in the shares of SmartWallet™ or nor any associated partners,
SmartWallet™ does not provide financial advice to the holders or users of Vitality Token or members of the SmartWallet™.
Token Distribution: Fair Launch and Early Bird Sacrifice.
A multi-phase process to kickstart the project and to ensure that the development roadmap is supported from day one. Also considering that this project has been in development for 4 years and has already progressed to an advanced stage.
Strict minting formula on mining, app interactions and other minting mechanisms.
Example: (Current Supply/(Running Minting Average/10000)*Users)/Burn %
If you know you know – IYKYK – Stealth Launch Phases.
· Limited Time Launchpad Phase (Example: Gempad)
· Mint liquidity supply for DEX (Create a core pair) – $100K start + reserve LP supply
· Stealth DEX launch
· Strategic Sacrifice Contribution ‘Limited Supply’ OTC Function (minimum purchase)(42 Days Only)
· Liquidity Provider Incentive Utility NFT Pool (Donations in Targeted Pairs)(rewards from DEX to reward pools)
Advertised & Marketed Phases
· Super Stake Platform Launch – TBC
· Mining Protocol Launch – After Day 42
· Development & Marketing - Limited Edition Elementals Utility NFT Pool 1 (Influencers, Telegram Management, Advertising, Listings and More) – After 100 Days
· Collectable - Limited Time Founders Edition Elementals Utility NFT Pool 1 (Staking Pools)(See ICOSA) – After 365 Days
· Limited Time Limited Edition Elementals Utility NFT Pool 3 (Staking Pools)(See ICOSA) – After 700 Days
· Limited Time Limited Edition Elementals Utility NFT Pool 3 (Staking Pools)(See ICOSA) – After 700 Days
Vitality Token Minting & Mining Distribution Channels
1. Mining Protocol (strict formula)
2. SmartWallet Internal Interactions (strict formula)
3. E4L.Online Influencer Onboarding and Subscriptions (strict formula)
4. Vitality Lifestyle Platform Interactions (strict formula)
5. Ecosystem Application Interactions (strict formula)
6. 3rd Party App Interactions (strict formula)
Must create formulas for each and taking into account hyperinflation and deflation mechanisms.
Chi Token
Burning Mechanisms:
1. Buy & Burn Mining Platform
2. Buy & Burn Subscriptions, Fees, and % of Revenue.
3. Advertising Buy & Burn
4. Self Burn Mechanisms
Visionary Position:
1% Vitality Token Supply
1% Chi Token
Founders Edition NFT Raiser Pool
Limited Edition NFT Raiser Pool
Liquidity Provider Incentive NFT Pool
.011% - Fee % All Apps – Genesis Wallets
Developers Position:
1% Vitality Token Supply
1% Chi Token
5% Founders Edition NFT Raiser Pool
5% Limited Edition NFT Raiser Pool
0.11% - Fee % - All Apps – Genesis Wallets
General Sacrifice Distribution Tokenomics:
1. Community Initial Supply - Final Distribution Phase Total
2. Vitality Rewards - 100% additional tokens will be initially minted based on sacrifice total and locked in the rewards distribution smart contract and algorithm and only minted to staked users, app users and based on SmartWallet reward interactions or via approved API integrations. (Download SmartWallet).
3. Vitality API Integrations – 100% of required tokens can unlocked for approved applications and potential third party app integrations, voted by the community, if any, supporting the HEALTH token principles, values and tokenomics. All tokens will be locked into a distribution algorithm which restricts dilution, abuse and removes market sell pressure.
4. 11.1% additional tokens will be minted based on final sacrifice total and locked in a development fund. 11.1% of these funds will be unlocked every 6 months for approved DAO development only with full audit trail, road map and website statements. Includes payment to developers and third party software contributions.
5. 4.32% annual inflation paid to stakers only (locked for 12 months minimum by payout date).tt
6. Compound Interest Re-Stake Feature - ability to add rewards to current stakes, if term is still active.
7. Additional 0.222% of GAS fees “might be” sent to an address with the purpose to buy VTY tokens and then immediately burnt. However there are no expectations for this event to occur.
No Expectations:
2. Additional 0.111% GAS fee for all SmartWallet transactions sent to an address with no expectations.
Vitality Token Utility Features:
1. Payment token for SmartWallet & Vitality.Online Subscriptions and in app purchases.
2. Payment token for SmartWallet shop retail purchases.
3. Staking for 4.32% calculated every second, paid daily and each daily pay out is locked for a minimum of 12 months
4. Staking Compound feature allows user to compound stake rewards and lock for 12, 24 and 36 months and 7 years bonus rewards (4.32% + bonus)
5. Super Stake - 7 years with fixed 22.2% APY + 5% delayed gratification bonus on final total. (TBC)
6. Emergency End Stake = 50% penalty (50% paid to buy and burn address & 50% paid to No Expectations wallet)
7. LP rewards via DEXs (community driven)
8. SmartWallet internal verified staking total incentive targets and internal reward mechanisms unlock additional SmartWallet payout ratios and reward bonuses.
Bonus Utility:
1. Potential Speculative Token Price Appreciation (Determined By Open Market)
2. Third Party Token API
3. Vitality API Integrations - 4.32% of 100% additional tokens can be unlocked for approved third party app integrations, if any, supporting the Vitality token principles, values and tokenomics. On submission.
Sacrifice Minimums & Maximums
1. Minimum Contribution - $1
2. Maximum Contribution - $No Maximum
3. Our official sacrifice will happen on: TBC
Token Burn:
1. Additional 0.222% of GAS fees “might be” sent to an address with the purpose to buy Vitality via DEX Exchange and then immediately burnt. However there are no expectations for this event to occur.
1. 0.222% of all transaction fees are burned making the token deflationary in nature
Charity and Development Fundraising:
1. Sacrifice to the official fundraising address and receive 100% of the points available for that day of the sacrifice period and the multiplier. The charity will receive 75% of the funds and 25% will go to the development team.
The Charity:
TBC – Example: Independent Farmers Association or Cellular Health Research
The SmartWallet™ Product:
Our development philosophy and goal is to build a SmartWallet™ and other supporting lifestyle products that interconnect and enhance the life of each individual. Build an exclusive ecosystem that people will love to use on a daily basis. A socially intuitive application that rewards all your health and lifestyle choices.
Vitality Token Ecosystem:
Dapps and apps will be developed by the team to build a health token ecosystem to further benefit the community and drive society towards better health.
Projects & applications:
1. SmartWallet™ Lifestyle App (in development)
2. Vitality Lifestyle Web Management Platform (The Everything App)(7 Aspects of Life)
3. Music Streaming Subscription Website (in development)
4. Lombok Lifestyle Resort (in development)
5. White Label Fitness App For SME (in development)
6. Utility NFT Market (in development)
7. Fitness & Lifestyle Influencer Content Platform (in development)
8. Third Party Collaboration API - TBC
9. Other TBA
All with staking, subscription and buy and burn features.
Every app must have a Vitality minimum holding position to use the site. Use this as an onboarding mechanism for Vitality for non-crypto users via a direct path to purchase and show the holdings in the wallets and profiles.
Smart Program – Hold Vitality Tokens for added benefits.
Smart Utility NFT Program – Buy and Hold NFT for added benefits.
Example: Increase in rewards across multiple platforms, memberships to other applications and more. TBC.
Product Roadmap
TBC – Found on official website.
Services is where the Vitality token and SmartWallet™ ecosystem comes to life. The application and desktop platform provides the foundation to onboard users, get them familiar with the concept of earning crypto, staking crypto, holding crypto and spending crypto.
The application will also generate income through selling products, subscription services and digital content services as well as partnering with partner brands, affiliations and offering alternative ways for users to earn, swap, stake and trade Vitality tokens.
There is a huge market for health data. The app will allow users to "Opt In" to their data being used. This could be for research or market analytics. Users would earn a higher rate of Vitality via a multiplier so SmartWallet™ can generate a secondary revenue.
Revenue Streams:
1) Digital Content Subscription
2) Digital Content Retail
3) Digital Streaming Services
4) Holistic Products & General Retail
5) Health Data Partnerships
6) In App Purchases
7) In App Upgrades
8) Additional Coaching Services
Growth Strategy:
1. Utilising the existing crypto community of PulseChain
2. Get approval and endorsement from Richard Heart
3. Acquiring customers via digital online ads
4. Crypto influencer partnerships
5. Google, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and others
6. Apple and Google Play
7. Referral Rewards
8. Retention and Loyalty Rewards
9. Other mediums – TBC
Risk and Mitigation:
Smart Contract Risk- We are exposed to smart contract breaches and data transfer disruption with additional risk considerations for asset and data security. Our mitigation strategy will involve consulting subject blockchain industry experts and initiate audits. When launching our SmartWallet™ we will ensure our contracts and ecosystem plans are audited by professional consultants such as CONSENSYS.NET.
Web Platform Risk - We are exposed to the risks of traditional web issues, security and disruptions. We plan to mitigate these risks with cybersecurity assessments, access controls, source code testing and having multiple server backups.
Bad Actor Risk - Cryptocurrency is unregulated in many areas and there are a number of malicious actors in the space initiating scams and other illegal activities. We plan to mitigate against this by having our socials on an official Telegram and within our own Social network on our website and internally on the SmartWallet™.
Regulatory Risk - There may be regulatory risks associated with the SmartWallet™, the functionality, the application use case, participants in the network and the cross-border implications between regulatory bodies. We will abide by regulations put forth by The Australian Financial Conduct Authority (AFCA) and seek full regulatory approvals where required with full legal recourse.
Market & Competitor Analysis:
There are a series of Vitality token competitors however they are focusing more on the token mechanisms, price appreciation and reach rather than the application that services successful onboarding and retention. We know our SmartWallet™ will be a superior product to all of these projects utilising the industry experience of the CEO and development team and partners.
Tokens Burning Strategy (deflationary model):
1. 50% of staking and un-staking release fees.
2. 22.2% of transaction fees.
3. 50% of announced buy-back phases.
4. The remainder of the fees is returned to validators of the rewards, stakers and liquidity pools.
Last updated